Homeland SLP 2


  • The intent of the SLP 1-4 is for you to implement the topics and materials learnt in the course to a “real life” scenario relating to a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in a major city sports arena.
  • Each module’s Session Long Project builds upon the other, so you will add the modular sections within one document like chapters in a book.
  • You will prepare your “plan” to address your own selected city’s characteristics and capabilities (e.g., if you are from California, you can present a plan for the Staples Center Sports Arena, Dodger Stadium, or the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles; or if you are from the Oakland/San Francisco area, the 49ers’ Stadium in San Jose or The Raiders Stadium Complex in Oakland).
  • Follow the general scenario and additional information and updates provided in each Module.
  • YOU are the Emergency Manager (EM) for your City (of choice) and from this capacity and role you will address the SLP tasks.

Scenario General Description

Date –  August 1, yyyy

The Threat – Intelligence agencies have intercepted (from a credible source) a terrorist organization’s communication regarding a general coordinated plan to use improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to detonate bombs at a major USA city’s sports arena during an event at an arena holding about 10,000 spectators:

Three to five suicide bombers strategically pre-position themselves around the arena. They detonate their bombs and self-destruct in order to guarantee mass panic and chaotic evacuation of the arena.

One or two large vehicle bombs (LVB) are placed in a parking facility near the entertainment complex.

Finally, expecting mass casualties, the adversary agents will detonate an additional series of devices in the lobby of the nearest hospital emergency room (ER).

Timeline – The communication states only a general timeline for the attack to be executed within the month of September. No specific date is identified.

Planning Considerations

Key Implications – Casualties (about 100 fatalities and 500 serious injuries) will result at all incident sites and will include civilians, emergency personnel, and the suicide bombers. The LVB detonation outside the venue will result in the largest number of fatalities and injuries due to the population density expected.

NOTE – Life in the city will not be disrupted and all planned public events are not to be cancelled at this time.

Module 2 SLP – DHS and Intelligence – Assignment (You are the City EM).

Use the Explosives Standoff Distance guidance to refine your venue and hospital protection plan. Using the maps and diagrams from SLP Module 1, indicate where you will place vehicle checkpoints and visitor screening locations to detect VBIEDs and Suicide Bombers attempting to infiltrate your security cordon.


Image provide by: DHS, N.D, Bomb Threat Standoff Card, Retrieved from https://wellspringinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/bombThreatStandOffCard.png

While preparations are being made on the ground based on your plan in part 1, a meeting was convened by the State Governor with DHS officials and all the major city mayors, EM Director, and Chiefs from involved Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS agencies, and designated hospital leadership.

Prepare a list of points you would like to raise at the meeting to the Governor and the DHS officials pertaining to:

Equipment needs? From the State? From a Federal Agency? Example: Jersey Barriers? Explosive Portal Monitors? Vehicle X-ray Systems?

Special Team Needs? SWAT? Bomb Squads or Canines?

Need for National Guard support. You must be very specific in describing what mission or tasks you want the National Guard to assist with (i.e., Medical Trauma Teams to augment local Fire and EMS units for 2 days, security for vendor and visitor entrances to the venue and hospital for 2 days, etc).

Intelligence updates. Frequency of reports? Law Enforcement procedures for updating key players?

Shared information about preparations and plans conducted by other ICs across the nation.

What measures should be taken at major ports of entry (airports, sea ports, land crossings)? What agencies should be requested for this type of assistance?


Note – Be specific to your state/city and venue needs and characteristics.


SLP Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be 3-5 pages double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module.

Relevance—All content is connected to the question.

Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.

Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.

Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.

Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.

Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.

Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.

Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.

References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper (APA style preferred).

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